Update COVID-19 3.24.2020

Mar 24, 2020

COVID-19 Update March 24th, 2020


It is our intention to try and update our website for everyone to see any new updates that may occur at Chosen Valley Care Center, Inc.

Chosen Valley Care Center, Inc. is currently following Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health and Fillmore County Public Health guidelines.

If you have any questions please contact Susan Neis, the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at 507-867-4220, or if you would like to set up a time frame with your family member to talk/skype please contact our Director of Life Enrichment Kate Glor.

We will continue to give updates on our website and through our email system. If you are a loved one and are on the emergency contact list and would like to be a part of the email listing please email Susan Neis at hrasst@chosenvalleyseniorliving.com.